AIA Conference on Architecture 2018


Blueprint for Better Cities

At A’18, some of the most creative architects, designers, and firms will share how they’re creating their own blueprint and making a difference in cities all over the world, from London, Arkansas to London, England.

Better by design

It’s time to think more critically about health and resilience, about taking care of each other and the environment, and about solving for “X,” all through the lens of what we build—and what we don’t.

Architects are right in the middle of it, making cities large and small—the superblocks, the micro-communities, and everything in between—better by design.

Your own Blueprint for Better

You’ll leave New York with actionable insights you can use on your next project or to make a difference in your community, on topics including:

Diversity, equity, & inclusion
Everything we design should be for everyone. Affordable housing, green spaces, healthy places, and safe neighborhoods—it’s on us to create access and opportunities.

Every material has an impact. Knowing where materials come from, what’s in them, and their life expectancy gives us greater control over projects and product decisions.

Energy & Carbon
Buildings are the biggest carbon polluters, but what if they weren’t? If we work together, new buildings, developments, and major renovations can be carbon neutral.

Rapid population growth, climate change, intentional attacks, and natural and manmade disasters require new design approaches. Getting ahead is our greatest opportunity.

Design & Health
Forward-looking design can profoundly impact health in people and communities. It’s time to move past the “do no harm” design ethos to focus on holistic health, by design.

Don’t miss it! Join us in New York City, June 21–23, 2018. For more information please visit

Event Properties

Event Date 06-21-2018 7:00 am
Event End Date 06-23-2018 6:00 pm
Registered 0
New York City
Showplace of the Nation, 1260 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020, USA
New York City
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We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map